Friday, September 26, 2008

Tractor Rides and Bubble Blowing

Hi everyone,

There isn't much new to tell. Summertime is becoming a thing of the past and long sleeves are now in fashion around here. I thought I'd show you a few more pictures of some of the fun I had recently.

Daddy and I rode a tractor! We lifted the big shovel on the front and a lady climbed up on it and picked a few apples for me. I think they may have been the nummiest apples yet, although maybe a little tart.

I tried my hand at blowing bubbles but as you can see I wasn't very successful. I just don't know how Mommy and Daddy get those bubbles to blow out of that little wand.

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mmmmm . . . Chocolate!

Hi everyone,

Shhhh, don't tell Mommy that I'm up. I'm supposed to be in bed right now but I wanted to post an entry to tell you about my day.

It was our first day at MOPS for the year and I was in a new classroom with the older kids. They must have rubbed off on me because I said a whole bunch of new words this afternoon. When Mommy or Daddy would say something I repeated it back to them. I said words like, "car", "bike", "shoe", "bag", "concrete", "water", "hurt", "help", and a few others that I can't remember. I know that I said some of those words before but I haven't been saying them as clearly as I did today.

Now you might be wondering about the picture on my post. I know it doesn't have me in it but you'll understand more in a second. After dinner, Daddy gave me a little piece (and I mean little because I think he was hogging it all for himself) of chocolate zucchini bread. As Mommy was laying me in my crib tonight and walking out the door I heard her tell Daddy that it must have been the chocolate (I guess I was a little wired which isn't normal . . . maybe that's why I'm up right now). Anyway, as she was walking out I said to her over and over again, "chocolate", "chocolate", "chocolate". I'm not sure I'll be getting chocolate zucchini bread that close to bedtime again.

Okay, okay, I'll attach a picture of me. I decided to take my little people swimming in the dog's water dish. She couldn't get a drink until Mommy fished them all out and then I turned around and put them back in for an afternoon swim.

Until next time . . .

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hiking Adventures: Part 3

Hi everyone,

Finally! Yes, that's how I feel about being on the last and final part of my storytelling and that is how I felt when we reached the end of our hike. As you can see, partway through the hike I became almost comatose with cold. Now don't get me wrong, Mommy and Daddy really layered up my clothing, but they didn't bring my winter hat and they didn't bring me any gloves (probably because I would have taken them right off). You might have noticed in the earlier pictures that I was wearing Mommy's knit gloves (no, I do not have a monster sized hand as you may have thought), but by this time in the hike I had sucked on it so much that it was wet and cold. Shortly after this picture we moved onto the windy downhill section and Daddy gave up his gloves for me to use, but it was still pretty cold.

As I said before, we hiked up, then down, and then we had to go back up. When we came to these nearly vertical stairs Mommy taught me a new phrase. It goes, "Oh my!" We had been on the trail for about 4 hours and 20 minutes by this point and I had done so good up until now. I sang, talked, laughed, and looked. But as we climbed to the top of the stairs and crested the next little rise I saw another rise and I just lost it. Yep, I started crying. Mommy and Daddy took me out of my backpack but my feet were sort of numb so I had a hard time walking on the rocks. Little did I know that just another 100 feet or so over the rise was the parking lot. Yabadabadoo! We were back and now I'm done with this story.

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hiking Adventures: Part 2

Hi everyone,

Let's get right into telling about my adventures! This is the middle of the hike and you can tell that I'm really diggin' my surroundings. I got to get down and play in the snow. I had a little snack. We stopped for a little family photo session. If I remember correctly this is where it starts to go downhill, both literally and figuratively, and then it goes uphill but we'll save that for part 3 of our series.

Until next time . . .

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hiking Adventures: Part 1

Hi everyone,

We celebrated our Labor Day with a little laborious activity. As you can see it was a hiking trip on a really big mountain that is fairly close to where we live (although not close enough for my taste since we had to drive two hours just to get there). In part 1 of our hiking adventures you can see that the first few shots are just past the parking area and the next one is onto the trail a bit. Stay tuned for part 2 of a three part series where I show you the progression of our hiking adventure!

Until next time . . .

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Grease Monkey

Hi everyone,

I hope the fact that I have the hood up working on my jeep now is not indicative of what my vehicle will be like when I turn 16! I know Mommy and Daddy got a steal of a deal on this jeep but let's hope my real car costs more than $40.

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Moo, Baa, Oink

Hi everyone,

Summer is starting to wrap up and fall is almost here. We went to one of our last state fairs for the season and the weather is really starting to cool down. The last few days it has only been in the 60's for a high. Brrrr!!!

Not a whole lot is happening here now so I'll make this a short post. Until next time . . .