Monday, November 24, 2008

Cover to Cover

Hi everyone,

Words are coming out of every one of my pores so I thought I'd soak in all the words I can get. So long Brown Bear, Brown Bear and hello Tolstoy. My biggest decision now is whether to read Anna Karenina from Tolstoy or War and Peace. Dad is closer to being done with his 806 pages and Mommy is just getting started on her 1,444 pages, so I think I'll go with Anna Karenina.

Happy reading! Until next time . . .

Friday, November 21, 2008

Work Zone: Hearing Protection Required

Hi everyone,

Sorry it's been so long since I posted last. We haven't really been up to much around here that is newsworthy. When the weather gets cold, windy, and rainy we tend to stay in the house more.

Mommy and Daddy have been trying to put the basement back together and I have been entertaining myself by driving my vehicles around while they are working. We got a new furnace and everything had to be moved that was over by the wall so they could run ducting back to the bedroom that will eventually be mine. I think I overheard that our furnace was most likely the original furnace for the house (which means it was from the early 1900's, yikes!) and it was converted from oil to gas many years ago. Our new one is much quieter. I know because it is kind of underneath my bedroom, or at least real close to being underneath it.

I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! Until next time . . .

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Raindrops are Falling on my Head

Hi everyone,

I think that Fall was officially ushered in with the month of November. We have had rain and wind this past week that have kept us on our tippy toes to avoid puddles and in our rain jackets to stay dry. I hope you all are staying dry wherever you are at.

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hi everyone,

RRRRRRRR, watch out, the scary monster is going to get you! or dinosaur? or dragon? We weren't really sure what my costume actually was but it was sure fun wearing. We went downtown to go trick or treating and a lot of people put candy in my bag.

Next we were off to our church carnival. I think my favorite part was the giant saber-tooth tiger slide followed by the cake walk. Daddy and I went on the slide at least three or four times even though we had to wait in a long line and we had to take our shoes off to go down. It was a blast! The cake walk was the next best because I won a cake my very first time playing. I followed Grandma around the squares and when the music stopped she made sure I was on a square. It happened to be the one that was drawn! Yummy! Mommy even won at bingo while I was out waiting in line for the slide. We scored big this halloween!

Until next time . . .

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's a NOT So Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Hi everyone,

I went to get my pumpkin to carve and it was rotten! Can you believe that? I guess it wasn't such a great pumpkin to pick after all. Mommy's pumpkin was rotting too so she got to carve the white pumpkin we bought for our porch and I had to share my pumpkin with the dog.

Guess who got to decide on the design we were going to carve? You guessed it, the dog. She got to pick it since I got to carve it. I'm not sure that's fair and I may protest next year when I get the words together that I want to say. They sure are pretty with their lights on though.

Until next time . . .