Monday, February 27, 2012

What do boys do all day?

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd give evidence of what Dad and I do while Mom is hard at work slaving away in her classroom.

Building, building, and more building!

Need I say more?

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Quack, Quack

Hi everyone,

Who doesn't like going and feeding the ducks? We have a small pond up on the hill and we often run, walk, or bike up there to pay a visit, offer a bit of bread, and get some pure enjoyment out of God's creation.

I get the biggest kick out of the ruckus that the ducks will kick up trying to get those teeny (or not so teeny in my case) pieces of bread. They swim all over each other, peck each other with their beaks, squawk in each others ears. It is hilarious! I can't seem to get enough of it.

Mom says not to mind her closed eyes open mouth since she was talking to Dad and didn't know he was snapping her picture. She also says not to pay attention to her poochie belly that makes her look like she has been eating too many doughnuts (it's really too many muffins and slices of bread). Oh, and she says, in case you don't know why she is wearing a sling it is because she sprained her shoulder when she tripped while running in the dark one morning. There, have I said everything you wanted me to say, Mom? Can I move on now?

Mom thought this one was the prettiest duck out there. Sleek, almost black feathers and a beautiful, mottled dark olive green beak.

And one more shot of me because I'm so cute!

Until next time . . .

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hi everyone,

I know some of you already know this but I thought I would share for those of you who don't know. My Aunt Shireen (Dad's brother's wife) lost her battle with liver cancer on February 15th. She fought for three long years and we will miss her so much. We love you, Shireen!

November 2007
June 2010

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey There, Sugar

Hi everyone,

Happy Valentine's Day!! I am so excited because I get to exchange valentine cards with my preschool friends at my first official organized valentine event.

A few months ago I said something to Mom and I think it is only appropriate to post it on this day filled with love and happiness. I said, "Mom, I don't know why I like girls so much? But I really do, especially the ones that I think are pretty." Some lucky girl is going to love my way with words one of these days.

Until next time . . .

Friday, February 10, 2012

My First Foray into Politics

Hi everyone,

I got my first taste of political action! We went down and waved signs on the corner by the courthouse in support of our local schools. There is a critical levy coming up and we wanted to make sure everyone knew to vote and that they knew that our schools needed their support. (Kind of funny to be supporting our local public schools when I am going to go to a private school, but hey, Mom and Dad paid taxes for schools long before they ever had me, right.)

This was a pretty exciting day because I also went on my first field trip that morning. Dad and I went to see the symphony with Mom's class. I even got to ride on a school bus!! I was really bummed (to the point where I almost burst into tears) when I found out I wouldn't be eating lunch and going out to recess with Mom's class. Maybe another time.

Until next time . . .

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Parents are Getting Old

Hi everyone,

I think my Mom and Dad are getting old. I know that doesn't sound very nice, but it is true. For instance, when we had that big snow a few weeks ago I could barely get them to go out to play.

Here it is documented on camera:

Heading out front all by my lonesome.
Slogging through the snow in the yard.

Begging Dad through the front window glass to come out and play with me. Please, please, pretty please!
Victory! Dad is out. Now how about Mom?

Well, at least she came out on the front porch to snap some pictures. I guess that was good enough for her at that moment. (Isn't that little snow guy a cutie?)

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More Snow Fun

Hi everyone,

Snow, snow, snow, snow, snow (sing it like Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye in White Christmas)! I love snow! As I get older I get a bit more adventurous with my snow activities. This year I actually instigated many a snowball fight with Dad (and even Mom).

The start of a snowman but the snow wasn't staying together for some reason. Great for snowballs, but not working for a large snowman body.

Hey, where did she come from? And while you can see green under our two big Douglas Fir trees, a few days later it was completely white under there.

Tornado swing (invented by one of my preschool classmates)!! 

 1. Grab a handful of snow. 
2. Try to carry it up to the top of the slide. 
3. Throw it down so it smashes on the slide. 
4. Zoom down through it!  
5. Laugh your head off.

Until next time . . . (when I wrap up my snow adventures)