Friday, October 21, 2011

Marathon Madness

Hi everyone,

Time sure does seem to fly. Here I thought I'd get right back to getting another post up about Mom and Dad's trip to Victoria and here it is a week later and I'm just getting back to it. Eeek!

The traditional "before" picture . . .

About 7 miles in - Mom is realizing that she is going to be in trouble if her knees are already starting to hurt. Only 19 more miles to go! But what a great house in the background! And it's for sale. Any takers?

Getting close to halfway and in the zone . . .

Out of the zone and a feeble attempt to jokingly show that Mom is dog tired.

Gorgeous Sunday afternoon . . .

for a stroll! Yep, that's what it turned into it. Those poor knees just couldn't take it anymore. How can you argue with those views though!

And Mom managing to muscle up and run the last kilometer so she could come in running.
Don't pay attention to the time clock at the top of the picture. It must have been broken or something. Er, no, I guess that is really the time Mom ended up coming in at. No records broken (except the record for her latest finish to date) but at least she finished, right. That's what everyone keeps telling her at least.

I promise I'll post much quicker for the next one and take you to afternoon tea. Get your teacups and pinky fingers ready.
Until next time . . .

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