Monday, December 26, 2011

Gingerbread House

Hi everyone,

Sorry it's been such a long break again between posts. You would have thought that with being off school for Christmas break I would have oodles of time to get things up online. Sadly, that is not so. My Christmas break seems to be jam packed with stuff to do and stuff to be done. I'm hoping to get a few posts scheduled so that while I'm out having fun (and in working hard) I will still be able to show you some fun things we've done these past few weeks.

Let's start with the all important gingerbread house. We headed home from our semi-annual dental check ups and we sat down to build our gingerbread house. Don't you think that is ironic? Building a house completely made of sugar right after you visit the dentist. I think so. My parents must not have gotten the memo that candy isn't good for my teeth.

Acting silly - anyone want a lick?
Giving it a hug.
Okay, now be serious. (Yes, I really am happy.)

And in case you wondering, no, we don't make that many wardrobe changes in a single evening. This gingerbread house took a series of days to get it from start to finish. I think this may just be our longest build yet.

Until next time . . .

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