Thursday, November 15, 2007

Under the Bridge and through the Woods

Hi everyone,
In the last few weeks I have discovered the play area at the mall. I really like to scoot through the log tunnel and under the bridge. Here you can see I am crawling right through the river! I love watching the other kids (especially bigger ones) run around and jump off of the toys. I did get scared once though because this bigger boy wouldn't let me go under the bridge to get back to mommy.
Mommy doesn't want me to tell you this next part but I have to because it's a big deal. I burned the outside of two of my fingers on my right hand. Now don't worry, I went to the doctor and he said it wasn't too bad of a burn and it should heal up nicely. He was glad because I didn't get any of my joints. I know I told you I would try not to get too cracked up in my last message but this isn't really a crack. I was hanging on to the edge of the dishwasher and transferred my hand to the oven. Well, the door wasn't hot but mommy was making dinner and the edge of the oven box was where my little fingers touched. I had never felt anything like that before so I didn't know what to do. Mommy told me she could tell right away what happened because of the look on my face and where my hand was. Daddy put my hand under cold water and I ate dinner like a champ so they didn't think I was too bad off. I went to bed with aloe vera on it but when I woke up in the morning both fingers had a blister. Of course, I didn't let a little oowie stop me and you'll be glad to know that it doesn't seem to be my dominant hand so I can still do everything I could before. I promise I'll try to be more careful.
Until next time . . .

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fishy Face

Hi everyone,

Mommy took this picture of me about a month ago when I was making fish faces all the time. I guess she didn't post it earlier because she was trying to get a better shot of me squishing my lips but I've decided I'm done with that face for awhile. The name of the game is to learn something, master it, and move on. Who wants to keep doing the same old stuff when there are new horizons to explore!

I'm not walking on my own yet but I love to cruise around on the furniture and with my tonka truck. I tell you though, being able to move isn't all it's cracked up to be . . . or maybe it is because I keep on getting bangs and bruises from little tumbles I take on my unsteady legs. My latest was a fat lip just last night. I tried to tell Mommy but I guess she couldn't see it until it got all puffy because she sure took a long time to give me a cold teething toy to suck on. That sure made it feel better.

I'll try to stay in one piece until next time . . .