Saturday, June 28, 2008

Running Debut

Hi everyone,

I ran (really speed walked) my first official race! It was a 1/2 mile and Mommy did it with me. She had to hold my hand the whole time to keep me on course otherwise I tended to get distracted by all the sites to see. It was a beautiful, warm sunny day! I know I attached a lot of pictures but I just couldn't decide which ones showed my athletic prowess better so I decided to include them all. You can see all the other kids at the start but you'll notice no one else at the end. That's because I did the hard job of bringing up the rear. All the other kids were bigger than me and the only other one that was younger was carried for 3/4 of the course. I did the whole thing all by myself! I hope you enjoy the pictures from the start to the post race refreshment. I think I'll take it easy the rest of the day!

Until next time . . .

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sir Isaac Newton???

Hi everyone,

I know that Sir Isaac Newton originally discovered gravity, but Mister Isaac Betz is rediscovering gravity. I've included the second photo as documentation of my investigations. In laymans terms, I chuck all sorts of things over the railing, off the porch, and down the stairs, and then I go check them out and pick them up from below. Nothing is safe from my hands: snacks, diapers, grocery bags, plants . . . you name it and I'll throw it.

This has been a very busy weekend for me. Yesterday we went and did a 2 mile run, went to a pancake breakfast, watched a parade, and went for a bike ride. Really it was just Mommy and Daddy who ran while I went along in my stroller, but I did eat pancakes and ham and watch the parade. The fire trucks started things rolling and I amused my dad by intermittently making fire truck sounds (oooo e ooooo) with exclamations of surprise (wowww). Today after church we went to a car show where I saw so many tires and wheels my little heart about burst out of my chest. Afterwards we had strawberry shortcake, I mean after all it is a berry dairy days festival.

Until next time . . .

Thursday, June 12, 2008

It Worked!

Hi everyone,

I know I usually don't post so quickly after my last one but I just had to share that my nursery rhyme worked! Today we had sunshine and warm weather. It took until the afternoon for it to show up but we'll take it just the same. I thought I'd show some pictures of me out enjoying it. Mommy and I went for a bike ride and stopped at the park to play. My very first toy I decided to climb up a slide that was a little too big for me and when I turned around to get down I did a head plant in the woodchips. I have a few scrapes and scratches on the left side of my face but thankfully I didn't get any slivers. Mommy says those can hurt really bad. I sure hope the sun sticks around for at least a few days because I really like it!

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Hi everyone,

Mommy is teaching me a new nursery rhyme so I thought I would share it with you. It goes rain, rain, go away, come again another day (far away from now). The other day Daddy heard it was Jun-uary and that is about what it has been like weather wise. It has been rainy, cold, and windy for too many days to count even if I was able to. Mommy and I try to get out in the morning so even if it is raining we can take a quick shower to warm up but it sure does put a damper on all our "summertime" activities. You'll notice that at least the ground is dry in my pictures even if the sun isn't shining.

I was out yesterday kicking the ball and playing with the dog. I know the last picture is a little fuzzy but that's because I'm moving. If you look closely you'll see in the lower left corner that there is a little piece of chocolate chip cookie Mommy is holding and I am saying "please" using sign language. It sure is easy to make Mommy happy because she grins and gets so excited when I do that.

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

18 Months and Counting

Hi everyone,

Can you believe it is June already? These past few months have flown by and I can't believe that I am already 18 months old. Crazy! I went to the doctor yesterday for my check up and got a clean bill of health. Well, kind of. I have to go back in a few weeks for another vaccine and to check my ears. I'm kinda hoping that the little bit of fluid behind my ears was from my cold and nothing else. I mean, come on, I've never even had an ear infection or anything. The doctor wasn't too bad, but boy I did not like it when the nurse tried to get my height and weight. I've never minded before but for some reason (she says it's because of my age) I didn't want her touching me or even coming near me this time. Mommy must not have been hearing my sobs and cries though because she didn't rescue me, in fact she even helped hold me down. The nurse still managed to get my height and weight, 33" and 24 lbs. 12 oz. The doctor said I'm growing well and my height and weight are evening out more (not as much of a string bean compared to my height). I hope during my next visit they stay on the other side of the room. The pictures I've decided on are a few catch up pictures. It's not like I was going to let Mommy take a picture of me in the doctor's office in only my diaper. I do have a little more discretion than that.

Until next time . . .