Saturday, April 28, 2012

Egg Hunt

Hi everyone,

In another week or so it will be a month since Easter. We actually went camping the week before since it was Spring Break (but of course you know that because of our California trip). We pulled into Grandma's house the evening before Easter and spent the day with her. After having an Easter breakfast I was able to do the traditional egg hunt. I was pretty jazzed to be able to still hunt for eggs. We didn't do any decorating since we had been out camping so I'm looking forward to trying my hand at it next year.

Searching high . . .

Searching low . . .

Dad hid these pretty well . . .

But not good enough!

I am a great hunter and am very proud of myself.

 Until next time . . .

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two Wheel Wonder

Hi everyone,

We interrupt the posting of our regularly scheduled spring break adventures of the Redwoods to share this HUGE accomplishment:

I am officially a two wheel bike rider!!! 

I started riding my Skut bike about a year ago, right after Christmas when I was 4. The Skut bike is different from a regular bike because it doesn't have petals. It is supposed to teach me balance before I worry about pedal power. I think it must have worked because I can now ride my pedal bike and I didn't have to have any training wheels at all! Just a few lengths of the house with Dad standing close by and I was good to go!!

After the first day (which the pictures above are of) I announced that I was ready to ride over to Costco and run errands with Mom and Dad on their bikes. They convinced me that until I know the rules of the road I probably won't be riding with vehicle traffic any time soon, but that should take no time to learn. I already pretty much know how to drive, remember.

I could barely sleep Sunday night since I had such an eventful afternoon and evening. Then I woke up on Monday and it was all I could talk about. I couldn't wait to tell my preschool friends! I came home and couldn't even rest because I was so excited about getting back on my back that afternoon. When Mom got home from work we loaded my bike into her bike trailer and I rode on my trail-a-bike so we could get over to the long concrete trail that goes through the middle of town. I biked the whole length of the trail and back all by myself. I wanted to go ride it again today but it was raining this afternoon. I'll have to look for patches without rain so I can get out there and practice my skills!

Until next time (where I will take you Easter egg hunting, then tiptoeing through the tulips, then back to the redwoods) . . .

Friday, April 20, 2012

Redwoods - Part 2

Hi everyone,

We decided to take advantage of the sunny day to get in some hiking. We took a loop trail that got us out into the forest. The only thing was that where we were hiking was also having some issues with flooding. I guess all that rain just had no where to go.

A great example of the flooding we saw. The trail was under all the water so we had to take the higher ground next to the trail. Dad said if we weren’t out in the middle of no where he would have thought a water pipe burst.

 Don’t we look like teeny tiny people next to these trees!

 Now look at us! We look like ants!

 Mom and Dad thought this looked pretty neat with one large tree and the two smaller trees next to it.
 How do you think the bark twists like that?

 And finally one with mom, just to document that she really was with us!

 To be continued . . .

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Break Adventures!

Hi everyone,

As soon as the bell rang for Mom’s school we headed out on our spring break adventures! Okay, maybe not as soon as the bell rang. Well, maybe not even the next day. You see, we were planning to leave early Saturday morning but then we found out that we could stay at our camping area for 50% off since we are considered snowbirds, but that was only if we got there on April 1st. Well, who is going to sneeze at saving half of the cost of lodging for a week long camping trip? Certainly not our family.

It was a long 12 hour drive but we managed to make it down to California in one day. We pulled in after dark and basically just got the trailer set up and fell into bed. The next morning we awoke to beautiful sunny, blue skies! Yahoo, a weatherman who is finally right! This day was scheduled to be one of the two that was supposed to be without rain.

We drove into the nearby city to get information on the state and national park trails. Then we meandered over to the pier where people were fishing and crabbing.

Then we headed out to see the Redwoods. They were monstrous! No wonder they are called giants! I’m just going to show you some pictures to show you their size in relation to ours.

To be continued . . .

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pillow Talk

Hi everyone,

Big news! I am finally sleeping with a pillow. Grandpa and Nana got me a big body pillow for one of my Christmas gifts and this past month when I had a cold Mom decided it might be good for me to have my head elevated. I wasn’t sure at first since I wasn’t used to sleeping with a pillow, but I would have to say that I have taken to it like a duck takes to water. It is comfy having something fluffy to lay my head on at night!

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Out and About - Part 2

Hi everyone,

So to continue with our hiking trip on our local trails . . .

We saw someone we knew on the trail and stopped to chat at a junction where the trail was going to become even steeper. The trail map said this section was only a tenth of a mile but it was so steep it felt like much longer. It was almost straight up and down. It was crazy!

This shot doesn’t even do the steepness justice!

But we finally made it to the top! And we all survived! We ate our picnic lunch and explored the summit.

The usual family shot - dog never looking at the camera.

Look at our beautiful valley! Do you see the yellow fields in the distance? Those are the daffodil fields in blooms. Pretty soon they will multi-colored with tulips.

The Sound to the west

Farms to the south

Mount Baker to the east

Our little town

 Until next time . . .

Monday, April 9, 2012

Out and About - Part 1

Hi everyone,

One of our local little mountains has been developing quite the trail system over these past few years. A few weeks ago we went hiking on a few of the trails and had a great time spending a few hours out in the great outdoors on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Strapping our backpacks on for the hike – Mom didn’t get the memo that the hiking attire was a red shirt and black sweats.

 Pointing the way to the start of the trail.

We decided to take an easy trail to start with and then connect to a trail that would take us up to the top. The second trail was a bit steeper and I have to admit I did ask a few times when we were going to be at the top. Mom and Dad talked to me about building my endurance so I would be ready for some backpacking trips this summer.
Starting out on an easy trail

It’s important to take a rest break every now and then.

 Heading back out on the trail

 Getting to the endurance building part of the hike

To be continued  . . .

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dad's Birthday Revisited

Hi everyone,

Wow! Has it already been over a month since Dad's birthday? I was looking back at some of the pictures that I haven't posted yet and I was shocked to see these from early March. Leave it up to Mom to hog the computer for grades and report cards and such to cause a boy to get behind in his blogging. I'll do my best to get you caught up.

For Dad's birthday breakfast, Mom made cinnamon rolls per Dad's request. (That one wasn't a surprise since he always requests these for breakfast, especially special breakfasts.) Next, we brought lunch to Mom's work and ate in her classroom with her. For dinner we headed out to Anthony's. This was the first time we visited the one closest to us and it ended up being a beautiful evening timed perfect for the sunset. Of course, the sunset it to the west and we were facing the east, but it was still beautiful.

Here I am enjoying bread and gazing at the boats in the marina.

Mom and Dad's appetizer with their sunset specials. The salmon on toast was by far the better of the two.

Family shot - I entertained our waitress with a lot of conversation and questions.

This was the first time that I sat and thoughtfully colored the kids menu at a restaurant. Normally I just play with cars or read. Mom and Dad were quite surprised at how long and carefully I colored since this wasn't usual. I guess you could say this was my birthday present to Dad! 

Walking around the marina after dark, we came across this large compass rose.

Until next time . . .