Thursday, July 30, 2009

Final Installment

Hi everyone,

I'm sure you'll be pleased that this is the final installment of our Canadian Adventures series. Really, this was the big trip of our summer so I guess it is only fitting that it took up many weeks of postings in order to share with you all the happenings. What will we post about for the rest of the summer? I guess you'll have to wait and see.

This was my idea of hiking! Either walking on the wall, running up the hills, or riding on Mom and Dad's shoulders or back. I think I had the easiest job there but you sure wouldn't know it from how tired I was.

Beautiful shot of Lake Louise! I don't know if you can see the rain coming down. We had sunny skies and dry ground all week until it came to the last day and the morning to pack up. Thank goodness most of the rain happened when we were in the truck driving back from Calgary or in the tent sleeping.

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Which way to Jasper?

Hi everyone,

Canadian adventures continued . . . We took a road trip to Jasper along the Icefields Parkway and saw some awe inspiring mountains, icy glaciers, and lakes filled with glacial run-off.

We also saw some of the local wildlife. Although the adult mountain goats looked a little mangy, the baby sure was cute. And check out that black bear! He sure liked the way our truck smelled because he actually stopped in front of us and sniffed the air and walked back to the middle, sniffed again and then finally walked off the road.

Add to those things crystal clear waterfalls, cut out caverns, and huge U shaped valleys and you have one incredible road trip.

Our last installment of Canadian Camping Adventures will be broadcast in a few days. Believe me when I say that even though it seems like Mommy and Daddy took a lot of pictures, there are many more sitting in our computer that didn't even make the cut!

Until next time . . .

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Campsite Etiquette

Hi everyone,

I know you may not be aware that there is a certain thing called "campsite etiquette" so I'll fill you on the tricky details.

First, you can't look too excited while roasting marshmallows over the campfire. If those gooey marshmallows were to know how much you were dying to pop them in your mouth they'd jump off your stick and into the fire in a hurry!

Second, you have to treat your dog like the chilly little fur princess that she is and wrap her up in a snugly fleece blanket. Oh, and don't forget the bedtime story or she'll really have something to complain about!

Third, watch intently while Dad demonstrates how to roast hot dogs over the fire in the "new" two handed method . . .
. . . then, give the roasting a try yourself while conversing with your dear old dad so he has something to distract his grumbling tummy.
Fourth, find the biggest stump you can so that you can practice your "hang gliding take off" jump. Just don't forget to take your sucker out of your mouth first!

Finally, make sure to get plenty of exercise so those hot dogs and smores don't go to your waistline!

More adventures from Banff when we return. Until next time . . .

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sous Chef Isaac

We interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast of "Canadian Camping Adventures" to bring you a video of Sous Chef Isaac. Bon appetit!

You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled program . . .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

Hi everyone,

Yes, I know that we are not Canadian. Yes, I know that Canada Day was one week ago today, but I thought in honor of it being one week exactly I would share with you what we did to celebrate. It was almost like taking in the festivities of our 4th of July except it was the 1st of July and it was in Canada.
We started out by going to a pancake breakfast. Anyone that lives around us knows that we are pancake breakfast diehards, so when we read that there was to be a pancake breakfast we made sure we were ready.Of course, a shower at the YWCA was required before we could sit near anyone, you know, since we were tent camping in a park without shower facilities. Thank goodness it was right across the street so we didn't waste much time. Mmmmm, love those pancakes, sausage, rolls, and juice!

Later that evening we enjoyed a parade down the main street of town. We risked our lives getting a good seat because we actually sat on the island in the middle of the street and they only shut down traffic going one direction. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but we did have cars driving behind us while we were waiting for the parade to start. We didn't get to take in any of the concerts they had and forget about the fireworks. Mommy and Daddy could hear them but didn't get to see them since it was happening at 11:00pm, waaaaaay past my bedtime.

Can you imagine golfing on a course that has this view? We took a drive out past the golf course and that was where we got to see our first wildlife, besides the elk we saw in the campground the first night we were there. Anyway, can you imagine putting out on the green when a coyote walks across the course? Or how about you get ready to tee off and you see an elk at the water hazard?

Canadian adventures continued . . . stay tuned. Until next time . . .

Monday, July 6, 2009

Road Trip Anyone?

Hi everyone,

What do you get when you put a 2 1/2 year old, a dog, a mom, and a dad in a truck for a 12 hour drive? A road trip to Canada! Oh, and bits of insanity and craziness.

We left bright and early on Monday morning with the truck loaded with all of our gear, snacks, drinks, and entertainment. I think mommy and daddy were hoping I would take a nap on the way there during my usual time but I decided that there was too much to see and I didn't sleep a wink. Whew, sanity saved by a muppet movie and Thomas the Train. We quickly set up camp and all of us went to sleep at about 10:00pm.

Here's another question for you: What do you do when you are in a beautiful valley driving through the Canadian Rockies and you take out your camera and get this lovely sight on the screen? What does this mean?

It means it is time to buy a new camera! Yep. Mommy took out the camera to get the very first picture and there was just a black screen. So much for bringing extra batteries, how about an extra camera that works.

Luckily Banff had at least 4 camera stores and the one where we purchased our new camera had prices reasonable to those we would find at home. It's a good thing too because you would have really missed out on this:

Doesn't that look so much better!!!

Stay tuned for more adventures from our camping trip. Until next time . . .