Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yo Ho Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me

Ahoy Mateys,

I sailed down to the town center where I partook of some trick 'er treatin'. After examinin' me booty and fillin' me belly I changed course and sailed over to the church harvest party. The stars were good to me tonight because I won two cakes at the cake walk and a hodge podge of candy and prizes. Feeling a bit sleepy though, I asked to be taken to me bed at about 6:30pm. Blimey, a pirate's life may not be for me. Arrr.

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rise and Shine

Hi everyone,

Look what we woke up to on Sunday morning. What a beautiful sunrise and unusual cloud formations!

Until next time . . .

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pickin' the Perfect Pumpkin

Hi everyone,

I don't know if being a "big boy" is all that it is cracked up to be. Can anyone tell me if there are child labor laws?
"It's right here, right here, right heeeeeeeerrrrrre."

Here's to switching roles. "Yes my good man, the wheelbarrow is right over there. Mind you don't drop it now."
"I'm . so. sleepy."

Until next time . . .

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My, My, How Time Flies

Hi everyone,

What can I say? Time flies when you are having fun!
Stay tuned for further pumpkin pictures!

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A New Sport?

Hi everyone,

Are you familiar with the sport of gymnastics? Are you familiar with the sport of rubber tire gymnastics? What, you have never heard of it. Well then, I will be gracious enough to give you a recounting of the event

Signaling the judge that I am ready to start.
(Look at the crowd behind me cheering me on.)

Adjusting my balance as I prepare to do a front handspring.
Celebrating a perfect landing!
This new sport of rubber tire gymnastics was brought to you by the friends of the local valley farm tour.

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rainbow Cake

Hi everyone,

Mommy was in a baking mood this weekend. She made zucchini bread, chocolate chip cookie bars (for MOPS so we didn't even get any of those) and a cake. The cake was to celebrate the beginning of October and because it was Friday and because we hadn't had one in a while and Mommy wanted to try out a new recipe. It was fun watching her put it together. Each layer she would make I would shout, "Wowww, this was a good idea". That looks good in and of itself, huh.

But just wait . . . look at those colors!

I ended up with a sliver that wasn't any wider than my finger but it tasted like heaven. I even licked the plate without any prompting from Mom and Dad.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up the next morning and this was the sight that greeted me. Somebody needs to teach Mom and Dad about portion control!

Until next time . . .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Summer's Last Hurrah!

Hi everyone,

I know that it is officially fall but this past weekend we had one last summer fling at the ocean! The weather was sunny with mild temps for the most part, and boy did we have a good time. We went to the beach, visited the ice cream and candy store, kicked ourselves for forgetting our kite, ate yummy food cooked on the campfire, and drove the ocean highway a bit to explore the little towns.
I had my first experience with seeing jellyfish, kelp, and clams washed up on the sand. We drove through a flock of seagulls. Don't worry they all flew away but it looked really neat and we managed to miss the bombs they dropped while in the air. I finally walked on the beach without my shoes on! For those of you who know me, you know that this is a big risk because I normally like to walk on solid ground with my shoes on. I even dipped my feet in the ocean, willingly at first but then not so much.

It was relaxing and oh so nice to have a warm camp trailer to play in if it was cold out, to have a warm place to sleep at night, and a dry place to cook and eat if need be. And yes, the need did arise when a few rain squalls came through. Of course, I slept right through them but the dog tells me that about 5:00am on the morning we were going to pack up she jumped right up out of her bed because it sounded like hail was coming down on the roof. Poor puppy, you startle too easily.
Until next time . . .