Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Phone Calling Quirks

Hi everyone,

For some reason Mommy and Daddy think that I do some cute, silly things while talking on the phone. I believe the other day they were trying to document some of those things but I don't know if I cooperated a whole lot. Usually when I'm talking about something I'll actually go point to it or I'll go grab it thinking that you can see what I have in my hands. There are also times that I look like a little man when I cross one foot over the other and stand against the wall. I don't think they got any of those "usuals" but you can determine yourself the cuteness level of me talking on the phone.

As a little aside, Mommy seems to forget that when doing a video you can't rotate the picture so be prepared to turn your head or monitor sideways a bit and then be prepared when the camera gets flipped around at about 26 seconds. This was the ending of a conversation with Grandma that had already been going a few minutes.

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fall is in the Air

Hi everyone,

Not much excitement around here lately. The fall season is showing its face and with that we get a mix of weather and temperatures. Some mornings we wake up and the air is cool and crisp but it's sunny, other days we wake up and the wind is howling and the clouds are boiling. We are trying to enjoy the sunny, warm days outside and enjoy the cold, wet, and windy days inside. Here is photographic proof of how we spent some of our time last week.

Feeding the ducks is always enjoyable!

It keeps going . . .
and going . . .
and going!
The Betz's longest track yet, reaching from the kitchen wall almost to the front door through three rooms!

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Camping in Style

Hi everyone,

Trailer hitched to truck - check
Food and dishes packed - check
Clothes and sleeping bags stowed away - check
Rain and wind staying away for the weekend - not so much

We took our tent trailer out for the first time this weekend and had a blast! Who knew that when it rains in our state when camping it is so much better to be in a trailer with heat, warm water, a fridge, oven, range, microwave, and a potty. Well, I guess we did but we've always weathered through the storm (literally and figuratively) until now.

Grandma and Molly came along for the trip and boy am I glad they did. It took Mom and Dad forever to break everything down and if Grandma hadn't been there to keep me busy and watch me who knows what kind of mischief I would have gotten myself into.

The only negatives were that the battery ran out on the portable DVD player about 20 minutes before the end of Lightning McQueen (boohoo, I know) and our campsite was surrounded by lilac trees which Mom is incredibly allergic too. I guess we won't be going back to that state park!

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Family Visits

Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago I got to meet my Grandpa Leland (Daddy's daddy) for the first time ever! I couldn't decide what I was more excited about, meeting Grandpa or discovering that he was delivering a camp trailer that we bought. I think I decided that meeting him was better, but I was so excited about seeing that camp trailer. I kept asking him to take it off his truck so he could leave it here.

I had a two for one weekend getting to visit with Daddy's family. None of them live in our state anymore but Uncle Greg and Aunt Shireen came to visit for a few days too. I was told that I met them already when I was about 10 months old, but I didn't remember that.

I'll have to post some pictures of my new camp trailer after this weekend. We are going on our first camping trip with it over the holiday weekend. It's a good thing too because our forecast says that it is supposed to rain all three days!

Until next time . . .