Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Tonka Truck

Every boy has to have a Tonka truck and Mommy and Daddy finally bought me my first one! It is the coolest toy I own! I can push it, ride it, and chew on it. It has these little blocks that it sweeps up underneath with prickly green brushes. Even the steering wheel has a mirror, key, blinker, and gear shifter. The only bummer is that the steering wheel doesn't actually turn the wheels so I can only go straight unless Mommy or Daddy turn me. This is the life!

Hey, did you see Mommy and me in the Sunday edition of the local newspaper? A little picture on the front page of the paper and two big pictures on the front page of the 'living section'. Now when we go places people ask if they saw us in the paper and Mommy answers yes for us because I can't talk to strangers.

Until next time . . .

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Playin' Around

Can you tell I love my Johnny Jump-Up? Spending time bouncing away while listening to music or Mommy read, that's the life.
I also like it when Daddy gets down and plays with me. Every day I can't wait till he gets home from work, and I especially like the weekends when he doesn't have drill because we get to spend all day together.
Until next time . . .

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Getting Outside

Hi everyone,

I just love to get outside, especially during these summer months. Mom and Dad have taken me on my first bike ride and my first backpacking trip. I would have to say that I could have done without all the bugs that were hanging out at Watson Lakes. Mom and I spent most of our time inside the tent sweltering in the heat, while Dad bundled up and lathered on the bug spray in order to go out and fix our meals. The accomodations were okay. I got to sleep in between Mom and Dad but every time the dog got up in the night I kind of woke up too. Finally Mom and Dad just let her sleep between them too and we all were able to get a few hours of rest. Dogs! I'm not sure when our next trip is but I like chewing on the backpack even when Mom and I are walking around the neighborhood.

Until next time . . .

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Blog

Hi, everyone! I thought that for my eight month birthday I would create a blog so I could share all that I'm learning and doing with my family and friends.

Mom and Dad just took me in for my first haircut. They thought my hair was starting to look like a comb over because it was so long on top but not on the sides. I did so good sitting in the barber's chair and staying pretty still while she cut my hair. Phew, I finally look like a little boy again!

I guess you could say that I have officially started crawling, although it's probably not what you would think of when you hear those words. I wiggle myself around on my tummy kind of like I'm sneaking around the house and want to stay under the radar. I also like to walk holding onto Mommy's hands.

Well, I think that's enough for my first blog. All this typing has made me kind of sleepy.

Until next time . . .