Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hi everyone,

We had a last minute change of plans and ended up having Thanksgiving at our house again this year. I was sad that I was not able to see Grandpa and Nana, but it was probably for the better since we had a bunch of sickies at our house. I enjoyed having Grandma and Molly visit, meeting mommy's cousin, and watching football and Christmas movies. And it sure was a good thing that we had the "momma" turkey that I won otherwise we may have been short a turkey on the table.

Thanksgiving is a time of enjoying family traditions. Below you can see that the tradition of putting olives on your fingertips has passed to the next generation through mommy.

Heartily enjoying pumpkin pie over any other sweets has passed on through daddy.
Waking up from a nap with turkey feathers for hair is the tradition that I am trying to introduce this year.
Until next time . . .

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Odds and Ends

Hi everyone,

I am going to be an expert lasagna maker once I can learn all the steps. Mommy will only let me help with noodles and mozzarella cheese because she says the meat sauce it too hot and the ricotta cheese is too messy. I guess I'll have to be okay with helping out as much as I can until I get big enough to do it all by myself. Dad surprised us when he came home from work early and happened upon us getting our dinner in the oven. We like those surprises!

Grandpa took me on a tractor ride around his property. I also got to pull his big, red wagon over the bridges and through the woods!
Grandma took Mommy and me to Disney on Ice! I got to see Lightning and Mater and the gang from Radiator Springs, and Ariel from the Little Mermaid, and the animals from The Lion King, and finally Tinkerbell. I came home and watched Peter Pan for the first time with Mommy. I have a fascination with Tinkerbell but I was disappointed that the movie didn't have much of her in it and it had a bad guy. I'm not a big fan of Captain Hook.Until next time . . .

Monday, November 16, 2009

Marathon Maniac in the Making

Hi everyone,

The annual Thanksgiving tradition of running the Fowl Fun Run has now passed to the next generation. On Saturday, November 14th I ran my longest race to date. It was two grueling miles in the blustery wind and biting cold, but I did it! My time was 40:49 (which means I have room to improve next year) but the important thing is, I DID IT!

While we were running Mommy kept praising me and telling me what a good job I was doing but there was a time when I didn't think I could go on. Mommy told me I was awesome and I said back to her "I'm not awesome. I can't do it." But she kept pushing me on and distracting me by talking about the things we were seeing and we were at the finish line in no time. Of course, I had a total breakdown right before the finish line. The crowd was cheering, the announcer was saying my name on the loud speaker, two runners racing the 10K zipped by me, and it was all so overwhelming that I started crying and tried to run the other way. Thank goodness Mommy was there to hold my hand across the line and give me a shoulder to cry on at the end. Now I know what the marathon runners must feel like when they are exhausted at the end of a very long race.

I won first place in my age division and the Spring Chicken award for being the youngest participant and I also won a turkey as a random prize.

Before the race when I was still excited about running . . .

At the finish line, not so excited . . .

Back to being excited while partaking of the post race refreshments . . .
Me and my baby "turkey" and my "momma" turkey . . .
winner's spoils!
Until next time . . .

Monday, November 9, 2009

That's a Wrap

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd wrap up our fall "harvest" pictures so I can move onto something else when I get the notion. Not much has been happening around our house that is out of the ordinary. I went to the dentist for the first time last week and they gave me two thumbs up on my teeth. The weather has really moved into the fall season with wind, rain, cooler temps, and thunder and lightning storms. I have to say that I'm not a big fan of the thunder and lightning. Mommy tells me that we really don't get a lot of it around here and for that I am glad.

In this first photo get a good look at my face and the dog's face. Doesn't it look like her eyebrow is raised and she is trying to figure out what I'm doing. I think she secretly wishes she could make fishy faces too! The second photo showcases my beloved baby pumpkin that rotted half away by Halloween day. I guess it would have been hard to carve so maybe that's a good thing.

Until next time . . .

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rotting Pumpkins

Hi everyone,

We had another rotten pumpkin issue this year. Last year it was Mommy's, this year it was mine and boy was it mine. Not only did my big pumpkin rot but my little pumpkin rotted too. It might have had something to do with the fact that I kept picking it up, playing with it, and then dropping it on the porch, but I'm going to hold out for the fact that it just wasn't my year for a good pumpkin.

So, what's a boy to do when both his pumpkins rot? Take the dog's, of course. Yes, you heard right. I took the pumpkin we picked for Najia as my own. Save your tears because as I found out she could have cared less. All she wanted was to sniff around and check out the pumpkin guts as they were being taken out of the inside. It ended up being a win win situation for both of us!

Until next time . . .