Sunday, May 30, 2010

Master Painter

Hi everyone,

Mom has finally (and by finally I mean we got this easel back in December and it is now May) let me use my easel for painting. It's not that she was stopping me because I think I've only asked one other time maybe, but we mostly use the white board and chalk board for preschool stuff. I think she was hesitating to bust out the paints and brushes because she wasn't sure how they would store once opened, but I had so much fun that I think she'll let me paint again sooner rather than later.

And who can resist a painter who cleans up after himself and looks cute while doing it? That has to be worth double points, right?

Until next time . . .

**Oh, and by the way, we are actually out on our road trip right now so I may bust in with some of our current happenings, but just to make sure you had your cute little baby fix I scheduled a few posts for when we are gone.**

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mother's Day Continued

Hi everyone,

I'm back again. That wasn't such a long break, was it? All right, let's get back to talking about our celebration of Mom and Grandma. After packing up our picnic basket we headed over to get some ice cream. Now tell me how on Mother's Day, of all days, it ended up just being Dad and me who got the ice cream. Isn't this supposed to be a mom thing? Anyway . . . what flavor to you suppose I got?

Oh, you cheated! You saw those chunks of bubble gum and the blue coloring and knew right away. I guess you could just be an ice cream connisseur though. I know two of the photos look pretty much the same but the top one was just so cute I had to include it, and the bottom shows that I decided that I couldn't wait until I finished most of the ice cream before biting into the cone. Only after I got a mouthful did Mom tell me that I probably shouldn't eat the cone first or I wouldn't have anything left to hold my ice cream. That's why God made moms, to tell us the stuff that makes sense!

On to the beach . . . here I am explaining to Grandma how the boats go in and out of the marina.

I decided I wanted to use one of our cups to scoop up water to make a castle in the rocks and sand. I still haven't learned yet that I'm not supposed to throw the cup in the water when I'm finished. I know we touched on it last month when we talked about Earth Day but I guess it just didn't stick in my brain then.

Until next time . .  .

Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm Still Alive and Kicking!

Hi everyone,

Wowie Zowie! It feels like it has been forever since I have had a chance to update my blog. Between heading down south on long day trips, heading over east of the mountains, Dad's mountains of retirement paperwork to go through (not to mention finding him another job), and planning for our celebratory trip, I guess my calendar has just been really full as of late. I had planned to get on and share about our great Mother's Day with Grandma but that got put on the back burner like everything else, so here goes. I'm only 11 days, oops, make that 12 days after the fact!

We headed down south to a great park right on the water. God blessed us with absolutely perfect weather the entire day! We brought a picnic lunch that was a little more formal than the normal picnic fare and met Grandma at the park. Good thing she managed to get a table for us because it was packed.

 While Grandma and I went and checked out the baby ducklings (how perfect for Mother's Day) Mom and Dad set the table. When we came back we were greeted with this lovely sight.

Of course, I didn't hardly touch a thing on my plate, there was too much going around me and I really wanted to get over to the marina to see the boats. I rode around on Dad's shoulders for a while and got a bit of sun. We tried to get a picture of the three of us, but SOMEONE wasn't cooperating very well (do you hear the sound of someone's throat clearing).

After packing up our picnic we ended up sticking around and playing down by the water but that post will have to be for another day. One, it's getting late and I have things to do before bed. Two, I already have a lot of pictures in this post. Three, you can see how well I updated my blog over the last few weeks. I need something to keep you coming back for more!

Until next time . . .

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fort Casey

 Hi everyone,

While visiting the lighthouse we also were able to check out the old embattlements of Fort Casey. I had so much fun running around the huge fields, climbing up the ladders, checking out the big guns, scouting from down in the watch dugouts and from high in the watch towers. The only thing I really wasn't a fan of was the main building where there were some really dark passageways and rooms. I forgot to bring my flashlight, that might have helped.

Here's my smile when I'm getting tired of smiling nice!

Dog standing guard!

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lighthouse Keeper

Hi everyone,

Do you like the lighthouse we made out of blocks? Pretty neat, huh. After it was up for a while the people starting falling and jumping off the top of the lighthouse into the water. I guess they were into extreme sports!

I learned a bit about lighthouses and beacons this past week and we even took a trip to a real lighthouse. I was a bit disappointed when I found out that the actual light is down in the museum portion of the lighthouse and not in the tower currently being used. It was still fun to climb the spiral stairs and steep ladder to get to the top. We were able to see all the surrounding area, the bay, and even a bald eagle circling over the water and then landing on the top of an evergreen tree.

Until next time . . .