Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Making of Snow Angels

Hi everyone,

When we had our snow a few weeks ago we got out to play in it a bit. One of the first things I ran out to do was make a snow angel. Dad came out with me while Mom documented the process on camera.

Here are the instructions on How to Make a Snow Angel:

1. Make sure that your feet are in your original foot marks so you don't ruin your snow angel.

2. Sit down.

3. Stretch your legs out.

4. Lay down. Move your arms and legs out from your body, then back in, then back out . . . you get the idea.

5. Stand up and jump out of your angel. Voila, you are finished!

And being ever the perfectionist, I had to redo mine because I just wasn't happy with my first angel. I didn't think it looked heavenly enough. Practice does make perfect!

Until next time . . . (and a few more snow adventures)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Best Night's Sleep Ever?

Hi everyone,

Guess what Mom and Dad bought for themselves? Yep, a new sleep number bed. They've been wanting to get a new bed for a while but wanted to do a bit more research before plunking down a good chunk of change on it. Right at the end of the year they decided to go for it.

It was torture waiting the two weeks for it to be delivered by the UPS man, but finally the bed arrived. Who knew it would come in four little (or not so little) boxes? It was pretty easy to unpack and put together but oh my, that new furniture smell can be overpowering to say the least.

I'm still waiting for them to include me in the sleep number purchase. They do make twin mattresses, you know. Until then I'll just have to find my sleep number while laying on their bed.

Until next time . . .

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Yearly Check Up

I know most of you saw this on our Christmas card, but I thought it was a good example of how big I am getting!

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted my 5 year stats yet. I ended up going to my check up about 2 weeks after my actual birthday which meant that it was right in the thick of our Christmas preparations and activities. I guess I kind of forgot about it.

I found out that I am 46 inches tall (which is the 95th percentile) and I weight 44.5 pounds (which is in the 75th percentile). I'm not sure why my body mass percent comes out to the 35th percentile, but I guess that just means I'm long and lean. I think it is funny that my weight is almost the same as my height!

We did talk about trying to vary my foods and that means that Mom and Dad are now making sure I eat my dinner each night. They were adhering to the "we can give him healthy choices but it's up to him to eat it" philosophy but the doctor agreed that I won't learn to like anything new if I never try it. It has been a bit of a battle (one evening taking as long as 1 hour 45 minutes for me to finish), but hopefully it will expand my tastebuds. At least I think that's the hope.

I also may be going in for more allergy testing. Mom and Dad are concerned that I may have some environmental allergies because of the way my body is acting. I guess we just have to wait for that lovely thing called insurance to approve it before we can figure it out.

Overall I got a clean bill of health. Not bad for my first 5 years!

Until next time . . .

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gingerbread Snowmen

Hi everyone,

Who doesn't associate gingerbread cookies with Christmas baking? Amazingly this is Mom's first batch of homemade gingerbread, and she should feel privileged that I wanted to bake them with her.

Since this is our first batch of gingerbread men it was a bit of time before we realized that we did not have any gingerbread men cutters. We can improvise though, right. Gingerbread snowmen are what ended up coming out of our oven.

I had a lot of fun rolling out the dough and even more fun cutting the snowmen shapes and moving them onto the pan. My favorite though is probably the little bit of gingerbread that was left over. My creative mind took over and decided it was going to be a mud puddle for my snowmen to jump into. 

And there goes the snowman jumping up, up, up into the air and coming back down, down, down into the puddle.

Until next time . . .

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Morning

Hi everyone,

Wow, this post is way overdue!! I feel a little weird posting about Christmas when it is already one week into January, but if I don't post then I will feel bad that you missed out on hearing about it. We had a great Christmas Eve. Mom made a nice prime rib dinner (of which I ate very little, mind you) and we did our Christmas Eve advent devotional and sang some carols. It was very relaxing and nice. I opened up my pair of Christmas jammies and got ready for bed.

On Christmas morning we ate our homemade cinnamon rolls while reading the devotional about Jesus' birth. I was excited to start opening gifts. I was the honorary Santa this year so I got to pass gifts out to everyone.

I passed all the presents out and picked Dad to go first. I had barely been able to contain myself from blurting out what I got him for the few days before Christmas and I wanted him to open his gift from me really, really, really, badly. You can see just a glimpse of my excitement in the picture below. I decided to get him fishing poles! What's funny is that when I told mom that I wanted to get him a fishing pole for Christmas she told me that maybe I should think about something else because Dad doesn't really fish much. I told her that I would teach him and it would be okay. Mom was still unconvinced, but then later that night when she was talking to Dad and putting out feelers for a gift he told her that he had been over looking at fishing poles while we were getting some other things at the store. She was pretty surprised but agreed to let me get a fishing pole for him and for me so we could fish together!

I had to go on a scavenger hunt to find my last present. Mom and Dad left clues all around that I had to read and then find the next clue. It took me from the living room to my bedroom to the basement to the carport to the back yard and finally back into the house. When I walked into the dining room I saw my very own Polar Express train set up under the tree. I could barely wait to kick my hiking boots off in order to go play with it!

Too bad battery operated trains take so many batteries and don't last as long. We are waiting for our rechargeable batteries to arrive in the mail as I type this post. Maybe I should add the word impatiently to waiting.

Until next time . . .