Thursday, December 27, 2007

These Feet Were Made For Walking

Hi everyone,

As you can see I have made some big accomplishments over the last few weeks. I was hesitantly taking steps around the time of my first birthday but I didn't wander far away from the couch, my tonka truck, or my mommy and daddy. Now though, watch out, because I'm footloose and fancy free!

I also love to talk, talk, talk. It seems like the only words Mommy and Daddy understand are: dog, daddy, mama, and bye-bye, but I am sure they will soon be able to decipher my plethora of new words.

Until next time . . .

Monday, December 17, 2007

Then and Now

Hi everyone,
Wow, can you believe one year has already gone by? I thought I'd show you a picture of me last year in my second week of life and compare it to this year in my second year of life. What a difference a year can make! I look so grown up (and handsome if I do say so myself), and Mommy and Daddy don't look quite so dazed and exhausted.
I know it looks like I'm not smiling in the picture for this year, but in case you can't tell Mommy is holding my hand down. I really wanted to show you what I look like a lot of the time (my two fingers in my mouth) but she wouldn't let me. Maybe next time.
Merry Christmas! Until next time . . .

Monday, December 10, 2007

O Christmas Tree

Hi everyone,

Our house is completely transformed. We even have a tree growing out of the middle of our dining room floor! When it was just a tree I wasn't even fazed. Every now and then I glanced over at it as I walked by pushing my tonka truck. I mean, yeah, I went to bed one night and the next morning I woke up and a tree had grown in our dining room, but who would think twice about that? What's even stranger is that it seemed to change every day. One sleepy time I awakened to a tree, the next sleepy time I awakened to lights on a tree, the next to popcorn and cranberries, and finally to a fully decked out tree with ornaments. Well, once those dangly, shiny, colorful ornaments were on there I couldn't resist. I had to go over and check it out and take a few off to examine. I can't wait to see what is next!

Until next time . . .

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mmmmm . . . Love That Cupcake

Hi everyone,
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Isaac, happy birthday to me! I think that's how it goes. Mommy sang it to me all day long today so I should know the words by now. As you can see, I loved diving into my birthday cupcake. But I'm really worn out now because growing up is soooo tiring. Goodnight.
Until next time . . .

Sunday, December 2, 2007

King of the Dishwasher

Hi everyone,

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted but it has been busy around here. Between Thanksgiving, family visiting, trips to the big city, half marathons, Mommy getting the stomach flu, Daddy's back hurting again, birthday parties, and one year pictures I can't seem to find time to post a new message.

Yes, I know, documentation of me climbing again. I try to do it just about anywhere I can and as you can see in the pictures above, no place is safe. I hopped up there before Mommy could even turn around from putting a few dishes away. She put me down but of course I hopped right back up there, again, and again, and again. Now she's learned to do the dishes when I'm sitting in my high chair eating or when I'm asleep!

I hear there is a big day coming for someone I know so you'll have to check back again very soon so I can tell you who it is (I have my own guess). Until next time . . .