Thursday, July 19, 2012

Glacier National Park - Red Rock Falls

Hi everyone,

I'm back again, just like I said I'd be, and this time I get to tell you about my rugged athleticism! After getting up super early in the morning and driving across the Going to the Sun Road we ended up at Many Glacier where we planned to go on a few hikes. The first one, which I will tell you about today, was a somewhat easy 3.6 miler out to Red Rock Falls. The path wasn't too rugged, fairly level, and pretty good territory for bears. We made sure to do our bear yells before we rounded any corners and there were a few other people on the trail when we hiked it so we figured we'd be okay.

Obligatory picture by the trail head sign to start our hike.

Neato tree that we happened upon on the side of the trail.

Gorgeous views as we hiked through the valley toward the falls!

Same peak as above but from a different vantage point.

Rushing Red Rock Falls (Can you see us over there on the right? We look kind of tiny!)

The water was sooooo clear! You can see the rocks underneath and that water was rushing really fast and hard!

On the return trip, you can see I'm starting to get a little antsy so I have to find ways to entertain myself.

The only wildlife we spotted on our entire hike! We couldn't even get a great picture of her because she was munching on grass and then just casually went across the trail giving us her backside. Oh well!

Until next time (when I take you on our really big hike) . . .

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